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Slow-to-Fast Earthquake A03 group workshop in Beppu

Title: "Impedance contrast in the Nankai subduction zone"

Translations: JA
A03 group for Slow-to-Fast Earthquake held a workshop in Beppu city in Feb 9–11 2023. I had a talk about the spatial relationship of slow earthquakes and seismic impedance contrasts in the Nankai subduction zone.

Defense of my Doctral Dissertation

"Heterogeneous seismic structure in onshore and offshore areas of the Nankai subduction zone with receiver-side responses to regional deep-focus and teleseismic earthquakes"

Translations: JA
The defense of my PhD thesis was held on Jan. 16, 2023. It was the greatest moment ever in my research life.

Hello World!

Translations: JA
This is the first post. I’m testing the English page.