
I participated in the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting 2024 , held at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba, JP, from May 26 to 31. I made two presentations: one for oral and the other for poster.

  • [SCG50-02] Multiscale Fault Estimation in California and Oklahoma. Sawaki, Y., D. Shelly, T. Uchide, K. Sagae, T. Shiina, Y. Sato, and H. Horikawa
  • [U15-P09] Fault geometries of the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake estimated by hypocenter clustering. Sawaki, Y., T. Uchide, T. Shiina, K. Sagae, H. Horikawa, and K. Imanishi